Home DBMS Database Architecture

Database Architecture

Database Architecture

Database Architecture

A Database Architecture is a depiction of DBMS design or planning. The concept of DBMS depends upon its architecture. Database Architecture helps to compose, map, develop, implement and control the database management system. It permits separating the database system into individual elements that can be autonomously modified, changed, replaced, and transformed. Database Architecture helps to understand the components of a database.

  • DBMS Architecture shows how data in the database is viewed by the users.
  • Helps in implementation, design, and maintenance of a database to store and organize information.
  • The architecture can be designed as centralized, decentralized, or hierarchical.
  • Proper architectural selection of DBMS helps in easy and efficient data management.
  • A Database store a lot of critical information to access data quickly and securely.
  • It is quite significant and subtancial to select a correct architecture for efficient data management.

Types of Database Architecture

One Tier Architecture:
• Simplest architecture of Database
• The client, server, and Database reside on the same machine
• The database is directly available to the user
• Enables us to directly interact with the relational database and execute operations

Two Tier Architecture:
• Similar to a basic client-server model
• Application at the client end directly communicates with the database at the server side
• The presentation layer runs on a client i.e. desktop, mobile, tablet, etc.
• Data is stored on a server called the second tier
• Provides added security to the DBMS as it is not exposed to the end-user directly
• Direct and faster communication

Three Tier Architecture
• Most popular client server architecture
• The exchange of partially processed data between server and client
• Contains a presentation layer, an application layer, and a database server
• Development and maintenance of functional processes, logic, data access and data storage
• The client does not directly communicate with the server
• The query processing and transaction management takes place

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