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E-Governance: Meaning, Types, Advantages and Disadvantages

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E-Governance: Meaning, Types, Advantages and Disadvantages

What is E-Governance?

E-Governance means Electronic Governance. E-governance is associated with the use of information technology to raise the quality of the services governments deliver to citizens and businesses. It is the technology driven Governance for delivering Government Services, Exchange of Information Communication Transactions and Integration of various Systems & Services between Government & Citizens.
  • Reinforcement of the connection between public officials and communities.
  • People, Process, Technology and Resources are the four remarkable pillars of e-governance.
  • Ensures that all the people can reap the benefits of economic growth.
  • Educates the public regarding e-governance initiatives.
  • Leads to a stronger, more accountable and inclusive democracy.
  • Interchange of statistics, communication proceedings, and integration of various independent systems and services.
  • Government services are made available to citizens in a suitable, systematic, and transparent mode.
  • The best utilization of information and communication technologies.
  • Promotes to mutate and upgrade the coherence, productivity, efficacy, transparency, and liability of informational and transnational interchanges.
  • Gives authorization to citizens through access and use of information.
  • Utilizes information and communication technologies at various levels of the government and the public sector to enhance governance.
  • Promotes Information and Communications Technology (ICT) skills and digital literacy in a non-discriminative manner.
  • Operates pilot e-services in less-developed regions together with the proper technical assistance.
  • Implicates the citizens in all aspects of local and national public administration processes.
  • Boosts the quality of life in all its aspects through better e-services and access to knowledge.
  • Functions to cause simple, moral, accountable and transparent governance.
  • Delivers SMART government. (S– Simple, M-Moral, A-Accessible, R-Responsive, T-Transparent)
Types of E-Governance

E-governance belongs to the use of creative and innovative Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). The term E-Governance is named differently, such as Electronic Governance, Digital Governance, Online Governance, e-Gov etc. The multiplicity of services has given ascent to different types of E-governance. E-governance can systematically be classified into four main categories:

Government-to-Citizen (G2C)

  • Most customary and common type of E-governance.
  • Aims to serve citizens by making public information more accessible through the effective use of internet.
  • Integrates with citizens who may not otherwise come into contact with one another.
  • Accelerates citizen participation in government by focusing public services.
  • Refers to the government services which empower citizens to get access to wide variety of public services.
  • Assists the ordinary people to reduce the time and cost of transactions.
  • Services can be accessed anytime from anywhere.

Government-to-Business (G2B)

  • Comprise various services between government and the business sectors.
  • Obtains current business information, new regulations, downloading application forms, lodging taxes, renewing licenses, registering businesses, obtaining permits etc.
  • Brings significant efficiencies to both governments and businesses.
  • Enhances the efficiency and quality of communication and transactions with business.
  • Accelerates the equality and transparency of government projects.
  • Aims at eliminating paper work, saving time, cost and establish transparency.

Government-to-Government (G2G)

  • Refers to the online communications and interactions between government organizations, departments, and agencies
  • The whole process is based on a super government database.
  • Targets to enhance and improve inter-government organizational processes by consolidating cooperation and coordination.
  • Government agencies can share the same database using online communication.
  • Can be operated at the local level or the international level.
  • Provides safe and secure inter-relationship between domestic or foreign government.

Government-to-Employee (G2E)

  • Least sector of E-governance in much E-governance research.
  • Refers to the relationship between government and its employees.
  • Targets to serve employees by offering some various online services.
  • Successful way to provide e-learning, bring employees together, and encourage knowledge sharing among them.
  • Offers employees the possibility of accessing relevant information regarding to various activities like training and learning opportunities.
  • It is an internal part of G2G sector. G2E aims to bring employees together and improvise knowledge sharing.
  • Works with the principles of relationship between employees, government institutions and their management.

Advantages of E-Governance

→ Strengthens the relationship between the public authorities and civil society.
→ Develops transparency and sincerity in management.
→ Faster and cheaper communication through internet, saves time, money and energy.
→ No physical constraints in reaching out to Government officials.
→ Provides services according to the schedule and venue of the people.
→ Efficiently increases the access of information to the people.

of E-Governance

→ Lack of interpersonal communication.
→ The setup cost is very high.
→ Risk of computers and internet break down, services can be interrupted or delayed.
→ Great challange of data storage and data security.
→ The adoption and approval of e-governance may be constrained by user’s digital literacy.

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